Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to Become a Snake Charmer

Many people fear snakes, but there are a select few who aspire to not only work with snakes but to be able to charm them into submission. If you possess the undeniable drive to be a snake charmer, keep reading. With a whole lot of knowledge and a little bit of magic, you too can charm the pants off a reptile.

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Pick out your snake. You can't become a snake charmer unless you have a snake, so spend some time finding the perfect one. Picking one that is generally calm in demeanor will mean less work for you when it comes time to do your charming. Pick the snake up by the head and tail so that it can't bite you.

Keep your snake cool. The cooler your snake is, the more docile it will be. This is where the basket comes into play. Keep your snake in a cool, covered basket when not performing tricks so that it will remain calm and non-aggressive.

Feed your snake. A full snake is a happy snake, so keep its belly full and you'll decrease your chances of getting bitten.

Learn to play the Pungi. This Indian flute is a staple when it comes to becoming a snake charmer. You'll not only need to learn how to play, but you need to learn to play using circular breathing, which means without pauses or stops during the song.

Practice, practice, practice.

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