Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to Become a Cat Lady

It s a slippery slope from cat lover to feline fanatic, but being a Cat Lady isn t all bad. You re never lonely, always needed, and how could anyone say no to all those pretty kitties in need of a home?

Adopt a needy kitty or two from an animal shelter, or invite in some strays.

Allow the kitties free reign over your home, but keep them inside only, with little separate dishes lined along the kitchen counters.

Take in every cat that shows up at your door, but don t bother to get them spayed or neutered. Have a "the more the merrier" attitude, and name them all from the Old Testament.

Increase the number of kitty litter boxes in your house. Have one in every room so they need to be changed less often.

Close all the windows in the house to retain that sweet feline smell.

Decrease the population of adult cats at the animal shelter by adopting a few more.

Sleep with all your cats in your bedroom.

Mew softly to yourself as you putter back and forth to the store for cat food. Eschew all human contact.

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